


原曲歌手 メロウ・ディズニー

Various Artists
Cat : R&B/Soul


1. 東方神起 / A Whole New World (DJ KAORI REMIX) [Aladdin]
2. May J. / Part of Your World [The Little Mermaid]
3. 平井堅 / When You Wish Upon a Star [Pinocchio]
4. 古内東子 / Reflection [Mulan]
5. 三浦大知 / When She Loved Me [Toy Story 2]
6. YOUNGSHIM / Go the Distance [Hercules]
7. CHIHIRO / A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes [Cinderella]
8. Sweep / Colors of the Wind [Pocahontas]
9. COMA-CHI / Beauty and the Beast [Beauty and the Beast]
10. MIHIRO ~マイロ~ / Can You Feel the Love Tonight [The Lion King]
11. 有坂美香 / Someday [The Bells of Notre Dame]
12. 青山テルマ / Some Day My Prince Will Come [Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs]

1 ... 10 ... 19 20 21 22 23 ... 30 ... 32

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? 星屑のステージ
