The Woman I Love
I Need My Baby
Hold That Train Condu・・・
Cheating and Lying Bl・・・
Gotta Find My Baby
? Postcard From Pari・・・
? my graduation
? Eh, Eh (Nothing El・・・
? 吹けば飛ぶよな男だが
? Never Been to Spai・・・
? Can I Touch You Th・・・
? 雪國
? Radio Waves
? 百合の咲く場所で
??Dragon Ash
? Diamonds and Pearl・・・
? Happiness Street
? Ladies of the Road
? 帰り道
? The Conductor
? Beauty and the Bea・・・
? Shake ’Em on Down
? What You Gonna Do
? My Heart Would Kno・・・