▶ She’s Kinda Hot
▶ 勝手にしやがれ
▶ Little Black Samba
▶ Can’t Take That Aw・・・
▶ Swear to Tell the ・・・
▶ I Wonder What She’・・・
▶ Quien sera
▶ That’s All I Want ・・・
▶ Shelter in the Rai・・・
▶ 麦の唄
▶ Solitude
▶ Children of the Re・・・
▶ They Raided the Jo・・・
▶ Two Hearts
▶ Cheated Hearts
▶ Star Wars Main Tit・・・
▶ That's Heaven to M・・・
▶ Choo Choo Ch’boogi・・・