Angel Dust
Blue Collar
Home Is Where the Hat・・・
It's Your World
Lady Day and John Col・・・
Re Ron
The Bottle
The Revolution Will N・・・
We Almost Lost Detroi・・・
Winter in America
▶ Fat Albert Rotunda
▶ Resistance
▶ No End of Love
▶ Baby Blue
▶ Uncle Salty
▶ Il posto mio
▶ Cherokee Louise
▶ Quizás quizás quiz・・・
▶ 白い恋人たち
👤Nicole Croisille
▶ 動く、動く
▶ Hold Me, Hug Me, R・・・
▶ Big Foot
▶ 百万本のバラ
👤Алла Пугачёва
▶ This Old Guitar
▶ The Natchez Burnin・・・
▶ Reaching for the M・・・
▶ Seeing Is Believin・・・
▶ To Be Human