Flying on the Ground ・・・
For What It’s Worth
Four Days Gone
Go and Say Goodbye
I Am a Child
Kind Woman
Mr. Soul
Nowadays Clancy Can’t・・・
On the Way Home
Pretty Girl Why
Rock ’n’ Roll Woman
Sit Down I Think I Lo・・・
There Goes My Babe
▶ Walking the Cow
▶ ソバカスのある少女
▶ Shame
▶ 帰らざる日のために
▶ A Bench in the Par・・・
▶ 3年目の浮気
▶ Tears At the Grand・・・
▶ 夜のストレンジャー
👤Bert Kaempfert
▶ Serpentine Fire
▶ Here’s to You
▶ Amazed
▶ チェリー
▶ Numb
▶ Don't Leave Me
▶ ブラックペッパーのたっぷりきいた私の・・・
▶ Torch Song
▶ Line 'Em Up
▶ Humpty Dumpty Hear・・・