Why Worry
Your Latest Trick
When It Comes to You
Water of Love
Twisting by the Pool
Tunnel of Love
Ticket to Heaven
The Man's Too Strong
The Bug
So Far Away
Six Blade Knife
Setting Me Up
Romeo and Juliet
Private Investigation・・・
Iron Hand
Down to the Waterline
Calling Elvis
Dire Straits
Walk Of Life
Brothers In Arms
Money For Nothing
Sultans Of Swing
? Unforgiven
? Cake and Sodomy
? Only You
? Coloured Rain
? 3am
? The Song of My Lif・・・
? 男達のメロディー
? Silver Threads and・・・
? Can’t Hold On Much・・・
? Seven Steps to Hea・・・
? Laugh Away
? The House Carpente・・・
? Volverás
? Dirty Work
? Rock Steady
? Speak to Me
? So Young