Werewolves of London
The Hula Hula Boys
Splendid Isolation
Searching for a Heart
Roland the Headless T・・・
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
My Ride’s Here
Monkey wash Donkey ri・・・
Mohammed’s Radio
Looking for the Next ・・・
Lawyers Guns and Mone・・・
Keep Me in Your Heart
I’ll Sleep When I’m D・・・
I Was in the House Wh・・・
Hasten Down the Wind
Excitable Boy
Don’t Let Us Get Sick
Detox Mansion
Desperados Under the ・・・
Ain’t that Pretty at ・・・
A Bullet for Ramona
Warren Zevon
? Birthday
? Bouquet of Blues
? Fast Train
? I Believe
? Omaha
? Chained
? Party Time
? Goin’ to Acapulco
? マイ・レディ
? Old Old Woodstock
? もみの木
? こんな風にして終わるもの
? Watch That Man
? You Just Haven’t E・・・
? Within You Without・・・
? 魂こがして
? Another Day
? Thor (The Powerhea・・・