Your Bright Baby Blue・・・
Under the Falling Sky
Two of Me Two of You
The Rebel Jesus
The Pretender
The Next Voice You He・・・
The Late Show
Take This Rain
Song for Adam
Something Fine
Somebody’s Baby
Some Bridges
Sleep’s Dark and Sile・・・
Say It Isn’t True
Running on Empty
Redneck Friend
My Opening Farewell
Love Needs a Heart
Looking Into You
Lives in the Balance
Linda Paloma
Late for the Sky
In the Shape of a Hea・・・
How Long
Fountain of Sorrow
For a Dancer
Doctor My Eyes
Call It a Loan
Before the Deluge
A Child in These Hill・・・
? 500 Miles High
? Under the Ivy
? Nice Work if You C・・・
? 茜色の約束
? Take the Bitter wi・・・
? Candy Paint
? 妄想日記
? Madison Blues
? 1/3の純情な感情
? Don't Stop
? 深愛
? A Night to Remembe・・・
? I Took My Baby Hom・・・
? Fan It
? 恋は流星
? So Special-Version・・・
? Teenage Dream
? Girl on Fire