Doctor, Lawyer, India・・・
I Wish I Didn’t Love ・・・
Arthur Murray Taught ・・・
Stuff Like That There
That Little Dream Got・・・
The Honeymoon's Over
Where Are You? Now Th・・・
▶ Roll Your Own
▶ Buffalo Soldier
▶ 泣かせて
▶ Trapped Under Ice
▶ I Can Hear Music
▶ きっと言える
▶ He Looks a Lot Lik・・・
▶ Sunshine
▶ 今さらサレンダー
▶ 自衛隊に入ろう
▶ 紡ぐ
▶ 上海帰りのリル
▶ Condition of the H・・・
▶ 太陽は泣いている
▶ Just A Love Song
▶ Rock Myself to Sle・・・
▶ Blinded by Love
▶ Lady Soul