Love Is Blind
Why Can’t You and I?
When the Party’s Over
The Other Side of the・・・
Tea and Sympathy
She Must Be Beautiful
Light a Light
Boy, I Really Tied On・・・
Boots Like Emmy Lou’s
Between the Lines
At Seventeen
? Comin’ Home
? My Ship Is Comin' ・・・
? 君の好きなとこ
? Ferris Wheel
? Rider on the Wheel
? Alle Liebe dieser ・・・
? There's Still My J・・・
? I'll Forget You
? White Mischief
? Mournin' Glory Sto・・・
? Beauty and the Bea・・・
? Think of What You’・・・
? Faith Can Move Mou・・・
? I Ain’t Got No Hom・・・
? To Be With You
? Is This What I Get・・・
? アンジェリーナ
? Love Missile F1-11