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Whiskey Headed Blues
Western Union Man
The Big Boat
T.B. Blues
Sunny Land
Sugar Mama Blues
Sonny Boy’s Cold Chil・・・
Skinny Woman
Shotgun Blues
She Don't Love Me Tha・・・
Shannon Street Blues
Shake the Boogie
Rub a Dub
Polly Put Your Kettle・・・
My Black Name Blues
Million Years Blues
Mellow Chick Swing
Goin' Away Baby
Lacey Belle
Jackson Blues
I Have Got to Go
I Been Dealing With t・・・
Hoodo Hoodo
Ground-Hog Blues
Elevator Woman
Drink on Little Girl
Down South
Deep Down in the Grou・・・
Decoration Blues
Coal and Iceman Blues
Check up on My Baby
Blue Bird Blues
Black Panter Blues
Black Gal Blues
Sonny Boy WilliamsonⅠ
? Gut Feeling (Slap ・・・
? Drunk
? The Boulevard of B・・・
? Nothing Can Come B・・・
? 心の銃
? 新妻鏡
? Song of a Baker
? キスして抱きしめて
? Clocks and Spoons
? Middle
? Cold Shoulder
? If I Have to Go
? Just a Fool
? ロマンス
? かけだす男
? Soul Shake Down Pa・・・
? Little Bit of Rain
? Ink and Paper