Thor (The Powerhead)
The Gods Made Heavy M・・・
Master of the Wind
Gloves of Metal
Death Tone
Blood of My Enemies
Kings of Metal
? Everlasting Love
? There'll Be Anothe・・・
? Rainy Day Woman
? Technopolis
? Ocean
? バンザイ~好きでよかった~
? Faithless Love
? 君と夏フェス
? Impossible
? You Don't Miss You・・・
? 想い出の渚
? 時代遅れの恋人たち
? There Won't Be Man・・・
? Hey Mama
? Carpet Man
? Filthy McNasty
? 流線形メーデー
??花譜 & 可不
? Footsteps in the D・・・