Left in the Dark
You Took the Words Ri・・・
Two out of Three Ain'・・・
Read 'Em and Weep
Paradise by the Dashb・・・
Objects in the Rear V・・・
Not a Dry Eye in the ・・・
More Than You Deserve
Modern Girl
In the Land of the Pi・・・
I'm Gonna Love Her fo・・・
I'll Kill You if You ・・・
I'd Lie for You (And ・・・
I'd Do Anything for L・・・
Heaven Can Wait
For Crying out Loud
Everything is Permitt・・・
Dead Ringer for Love
Bat out of Hell
Amnesty Is Granted
Meat Loaf
All Revved Up with No・・・
? Ramona
? Could You Be Loved
? (Wish I Could Fly ・・・
? My Whole World Is ・・・
? Take Your Time
? 謎の女B
? 疾風ザブングル
? Some Sweet Day
? The Rebel Jesus
? Nite Life
? クリスマスソング
??back number
? Timeless Melody
? 大阪で生まれた女
? Silver Train
? Still the One
? 帰らざる日々
? 好きですサッポロ