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Roll Engine Roll
Mighty Joe
Long and Lonesome Roa・・・
I'll Write Your Name ・・・
Boll Weevil
Blossom Lady
Alaska Country
Never Marry a Railroa・・・
Love Machine
? Kissin' in the Bac・・・
? 雪あかりの町
? 永遠にともに
? Protest and Surviv・・・
? Energy
? Out on the Tiles
? Romancin' the Blue・・・
? 愛の花咲く時
??Anna Identici
? One More Cup of Co・・・
? Lucky Chanceをもう一度
? The Spider and the・・・
? World Full of Noth・・・
? The One That Got A・・・
? Just for You
? 細雪
? Ride Into The Sun
? Coptic Times
? Territorial Pissin・・・