World Beyond
Under the Guillotine
Total Death
Terrible Certainty
Take Their Lives
Storming with Menace
Ripping Corpse
Riot of Violence
Pleasure to Kill
Impossible to Cure
Flag of Hate
Extreme Aggression
Command of the Blade
Awakening of the Gods
? I Hear Music
? Cornet Chop Suey
? Karn Evil 9 First ・・・
? Voy a apagar la lu・・・
? チョンチョンキジムナー
? 夢の中で ~Graduation~
??辛島 美登里
? Planet Caravan
? Commando
? Endless Love
? Experiment in Terr・・・
? Odorono
? Reflection
? Going Down To Live・・・
? Le Freak
? On A Day Like Toda・・・
? Starving
? How Deep Is Your L・・・
? Funky Flushin'