Home in Pasadena
Two Little Boys
Casey Jones
That Old Gang of Mine
Take Me up with You, ・・・
On the Old Front Porc・・・
I Love My Wife But Oh・・・
Oh, You Beautiful Dol・・・
Me and the Man in the・・・
Erie Canal
Lazy Moon
I've Got Rings on my ・・・
In My Merry Oldsmobil・・・
I'll See You in C-U-B・・・
Cuddle Up a Little Cl・・・
Are You from Dixie?
By the Light of the S・・・
? Lazy Mornin'
? Say It with a Kiss
? Next to You
? Train Running Low ・・・
? Looking at the Rai・・・
? Boys Don’t Cry
? Money Penny Goes f・・・
? Objection (Tango)
? 孤独な旅人
? 'Til Tomorrow
? メリクリ
? Changes IV
? Peaceful Waters
? Suzanne Beware of ・・・
? 悲しき子守唄
? Give You Nothing
? Aloha, E Komo Mai
? Frantic